Thursday, January 4, 2007

Proudest Moments of 2006

In the spirit of Mr. Rodgers, my friend Jennifer asked, "What are you most proud of this past year?" So I came up with a few things off the top of my head that I thought I'd share here:

1. training for the Philadelphia marathon: I am most proud of the discipline, focus and determination I found in myself week after week.

2. finishing my first marathon and no longer wondering what running 26.2 miles would feel like.

3. creating a blog.

4. confronting love: yikes, it is so glorious.

5. realizing I didn't have to work so hard to prove myself in my new role at work because I was already doing it and doing it well.

6. being admired professionally.

7. facing my finances.

8. becoming conscious of the stress in my life and finding a direct improvement in my health as a result of controlling it.

9. discovering MAC fuchsia cream blush. it has a shiny glow like you just got in from a walk in the woods.

10. my relationship with my boyfriend's children. I never imagined how happy it would make me to become a "sister-friend" to a ten year old girl or to give dating advice to a sixteen year old boy.

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